November 29, 2022
- Are we going to actually pay attention to the CodeQL output?
- decko can’t view ?
- proposal: if we’re not going to use, turn it off
- proposal: if we are going to use, then open issues and fix the reports
- [davidd] Pulp’s policy around settings changes
- We set a number of settings and are concerned about settings changes
- If settings are not covered by semver, could there be a documented policy/deprecation cycle?
- proposal: settings should follow same semver policy as REST API
- i.e.: can deprecate, but not remove
- each rename/removal is Going To Be A Pain - “please don’t” is the generic dev policy
- proposal: doc settings.local more in docs?
- already mentioned in Applying Settings — Pulp Project 3.21.3 documentation
- pulp_labels
- currently exposed for distributions, repositories, remotes (so far)
- jsonb is overkill
- would need to remove generic-relation
- exposes some of the functionality in the API
- breaking change?
- plugin API affected
- need to research if anyone is actively “aware of” the current implementation
- marked tech-preview - so (technically) “can do anything”
- OTOH - we’ guarantee that plugin-breaking-changes won’t happen until breaking-change releases (e.g. 3.25)
- Base model introduction would require Very Complicated Migration
- REST API unaffected
- poss bug in current REST
- pulpcore 3.22 GA is postponed
- all thumbs-up
- tech-preview discussion
- we have a tech-preview problem
- just because we say “we can break this”, doesn’t make it even remotely a good idea
- how long can/should something say “tech-preview”
- can we move to “how much is it used”?
- analytics to the rescue!