May 31st
- [mdellweg] Serving artifact urls from the pulp_api for external verification (e.g. Virus scanning)
- telemetry PoC request for review
- changing the tests run by default
- LTS continued?
- wait on Dennis’ results
[dkliban] release pulpcore 3.19.1
[bmbouter] to propose majority use of nightly tests
[bmbouter] to highlight UI component creation on discourse
[dkliban] release pulpcore 3.19.1
[bmbouter] to propose majority use of nightly tests
[bmbouter] to highlight UI component creation on discourse
[matthias] figure out where sort
is coming from
[x9c4] Post on discourse about uninstalling pep8speaks
[x9c4] Investigate and post on Discourse about squashing migrations
[lmjachky - PTO] Please, take a look at the current implementation of the remotes removal. We decided to implement an option where a user needs to specify the “force=True” header to delete the remote if it is being used by existing content artifacts. Otherwise, an HTTP 406 error is returned by Pulp:
When to allow removal of remotes used for on-demand syncing? - #16 by lubosmj [ipanova] will comment
PoC pulp-operator in Golang (pros and cons in the doc)
(NOTE: apologies for these postings being behind - new meeting-facilitator skipped a groove and didna post. Catching up now.)
FYI I gave write perms to Lubos as well, he is part of pytest group.
Opened the ticket for CodeQL issues