Hey folks!
The Pulp team has been doing some thinking around what improvements Pulp needs to make it more administrator-friendly. One of our gaps there is observability - how to know what’s going on inside Pulp, from outside Pulp.
At our Virtual PulpCon this year, Daniel Alley did an overview on observability and OpenTelemetry.[0][1] We got some great feedback/interest in adding this to Pulp. To that end, we’re starting up an “OpenTelemetry and Pulp” working group.
This is a call for interest/participation - if you’d like to be involved in helping us work on the right way to add OT, and prioritize the first monitoring probes we add, please respond to this thread.
I have scheduled a 30-min organizational meeting for 6-DEC, 1000 EST/1500 UTC/1600 CET. We can hammer out how often/long to meet and what an initial POC might look like.
We’re especially interested in contributions from folk who are running Pulp for real-world workloads. What would you like to see on an admin’s dashboard? Let us know!
[0] Observability and the OpenTelemetry Project, video, PulpCon 2022
[1] Observability and the OpenTelemetry Project, slides, PulpCon2022