[previous month’s minutes]
2023-10-03 1000-1030 GMT-4
Attendees: sjha, quba42
Regrets: iballou, ggainey, hstct
- Previous AIs:
- RE structured-deb-content
- AI: [quba42] get forklift-env set up w/ POC uip and running
- still in-progress
- pulp_deb/3.0 gated us - but it has been released!!
- AI: [quba42/iballou] work together to get a meeting together w/ Appropriate Knowledgeable Folk to go over the POC
- quba42: investigate whether a pulp_deb/3.0 client-gem talk to a pulp_deb/2.21.X system?
- Remaining pulp_deb 3.0 packaging PRs:
- Import/Export nil vs empty string issues. Has anyone else encountered this as a problem?
- sjha: Question regarding smart proxy syncs for deb content:
- Working on a new feature to display content counts for smart proxy syncs.
- Noticed that Debian appeared to have two contents on the smart proxy for every one content on the server CV/Lcenv.
- It appears every .deb package is duplicated on the smart proxy with two alternate relative paths.
- Is this a bug?
- quba42: This is an unintended design consequence of having both structured and simple publication mode on the server.
- This will no longer be the case if we eventually transition to using only structued APT.
- For now, we will just have to live with the fact that the content counts for .deb content will be double for the proxy.
- Side note: For synced content the content count on the proxy should be exactly twice what it is on the server, however this may not be true for uploaded packages.
Action Items: