Unable to create distribution from repository

Hi there,

trying to create a RPM repository, however after I create a distribution pointing to the repo, the distribution URL is blank and get this error…
“404: Distribution is not pointing to a publication, repository, repository version, or remote.”

for example:
pulp rpm remote create --name centos-7-baseos --url ‘CentOS Mirror’ --tls-validation false
pulp rpm repository create --name centos-7-baseos --remote centos-7-baseos
pulp rpm repository sync --name centos-7-baseos
pulp rpm distribution create --name centos-7-baseos --repository centos-7-baseos

then navigate to the URL in distribution and I get the error mentioned above
pulp versions…


  • component: core
    package: pulpcore
    version: 3.22.2
  • component: rpm
    package: pulp-rpm
    version: 3.18.10
  • component: container
    package: pulp-container
    version: 2.14.3

please assist…


You need to publish the repository after you sync it:

pulp rpm publication create --repository centos-7-baseos

Alternatively you could enable auto-publish:

pulp file repository update --name centos-7-baseos --autopublish

Sorry my bad. I think i got confused. i did see a behaviour where even if the auto publish option was enabled, the distribution was unable to serve the contents.
Will keep an eye out for such behaviour.
for now, i am able to sync repos…
