Starting the Migration Countdown With a New Release of the Pulp Container Plugin

A new version (2.20.0) of the Pulp Container plugin has been released!

We updated the Manifest model to no longer rely on artifacts, storing all manifest data internally within the database. Furthermore, we deprecated the ADDITIONAL_OCI_ARTIFACT_TYPES setting for more relaxed schema validation.

This marks the start of our migration countdown, as we begin to ship a new django-management command (pulpcore-manager container-handle-image-data) in favour of creating a robust database migration causing potential downtime. The goal is to enable users to pre-migrate data from artifacts’ files to database models more seamlessly compared to running a real database migration. Note that the real migration will be shipped in the coming months and its execution will be enforced. The plan is to deliver the enforcing migration in 2 releases (2.22.0+). The migration will have no effect if the users had run the command before.

This update is relevant to the Telling Image Nature apart and Artifacless Manifests changes. In total, these features lead to performance gains and cost savings since Pulp will no longer need to look into the back-end storage to read, serve, or store content. For now, we are going to maintain two functionally different code paths to support both migrated and not yet migrated content.

Learn more in the changelog and stay tuned for further updates and guidance as we navigate this transition together!

PyPI: pulp-container · PyPI
Changelog: Changelog — Pulp Container documentation