Problem: I created a pulp instance with the view of pulling the three main Rocky9 repos. BaseOS, AppStream, and Extras.
The issus is, when I pull BaseOS in its own, for some reason it also pulls AppStream and places it inside the BaseOS repo.
Pulpcore version: Latest
Pulp plugins installed and their versions: RPM
Operating system - distribution and version: Rocky 9.5
Other relevant data:
I followed the guide on the website to create an RPM repo. I was planning on making separate configurations for each Rocky9 repo.
I have made a repository called rocky9-baseos, a remote called rocky9-baseos-remote, linked these together and done a sync with the immediate policy.
I then created the publication and distribution to expose this data on the web browser. The issue is that it copies the BaseOS as expected, but inside the repo is the AppStream repo as well.
I have tried the following remote URLs below:
I don’t know if I have done something wrong, I am not certain how these configuration components should be set up for the official repos.