RFE for: pulp.squeezer - rpm

Needed functionality to squeezer and API

We are using Ansible to build our repositories.
With a pulp/pulp container.

  1. Could you please add functionality to pulp.squeezer:

    • skip-type [srpm|treeinfo], as in the API, to syncing from remotes
    • assign metadata_signing_service, as in the API, on creating repositories
    • copy content as in API /pulp/api/v3/rpm/copy/
  2. Enhance API copy to include skip-type [srpm]

This will be so great.

Pulpcore version:

“core” “3.24.0”
“ansible” “0.17.0”
“certguard” “1.6.3”
“container” “2.14.5”
“deb” “2.20.2”
“file” “1.14.1”
“maven” “0.5.0”
“ostree” “2.0.0”
“python” “3.9.0”
“rpm” “3.19.5”

Pulp plugins installed and their versions:

pulp.squeezer 0.0.13

Operating system - distribution and version:


Thanks a mil.

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Not so much of an RPM expert here… Are you willing to contribute these features in the upstream repo? I know it takes some time to learn, and I’m only going to accept significant changes with corresponding tests, but it may still speed up the process tremendously.

Hello x9c4

I have no idea what it entails to contribute, sounds interesting and something I’d like to do.
However, all my time is consumed by my employer, getting time there is a challenge.
(I am not a programmer)

Reducing the request to:

Most important one is: Enhance API copy to include skip-type [srpm] (as in pulp-cli)


That’s not an RFE for squeezer, that would be an RFE for pulp_rpm - the copy REST endpoint doesn’t support skip-types, so there’s nothing that squeezer can do to make it happen.

You can open an RFE in the pulp_rpm project to explain the usecase.

skip-type is supported for pulp rpm repository sync already. Support for the copy command and assigning metadata-signing-service to a repo are not, and are great opportunities for RFEs!

@x9c4 Refresh my worn-out brains - would these need to be added to squeezer itself, or would getting them into pulp-cli/pulp-glue make it happen Automatically?

Whatever an ansible module is supposed to be accepting needs to be specified there. (Unless we make a free-form dict parameter there, but you don’t want to go down that road.)
But heads up, Squeezer is in the middle of refactoring all modules to use pulp_glue (the library of the cli) and the RPM modules did not move yet.

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Ah right, that’s what I was thinking of, thanks!