I’ve added rpm to repository with incorrect name some time ago. It contains directory name in front of it. Sth like this:
location_href": “mydirectory/myrpm.x86_64.rpm”
Since them some new rpms were added to that repo (so also new repo versions were created as a result)
Now I’d like to rename that rpm (get rid of that directory name in front) so it looks like this:
location_href": “myrpm.x86_64.rpm”
Is there a way to do it?
Expected outcome:
Pulpcore version:
Pulp plugins installed and their versions:
“component”: “rpm”,
“version”: “3.17.12”,
“package”: “pulp-rpm”
“component”: “file”,
“version”: “1.11.1”,
“package”: “pulp-file”
Operating system - distribution and version:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)
Other relevant data: