Pulp UI: Phase 2 Working Group

Hey folks,

The initial proof-of-concept for a Pulp UI is now available in the oci-env and, shortly, will be part of the nightly OCI images for Pulp! Time to consider what our next steps/priorities should be.

To that end, we’re organizing a “Phase 2” working group around the UI work. If you’re interested in contributing, or even just helping us set priorities for this effort, please chime in here. We will meet sometime next week to organize and discuss timelines and such.

Thanks to @himdel, @ZitaNemeckova and @gerrod for all the work so far - excited to continue!



I’m in :slight_smile:

Hey :slight_smile: Let’s set a date before Christmas and get the roadmap out. I heard from few people that they may use the holidays to catch up on learning React and this could be a project they’ll contribute to :slight_smile:


Concur - right now it’s just you and me (and Martin, I assume :slight_smile: ). Will bring it up at next team mtg, and shoot for a mtg late next week/early the following.


mdellweg has expressed an interest as well