Pulp Installation for Stateless components

As per this topology:

I recently noticed that API, worker and content processes are stateless so I can provision let’s say two EC2 instances with this processes running and all of them will connect to the same Postgres DB and also share content from the same S3 bucket, without causing any data corruption right?

Given this architecture, I tried to install but documentation is no clear on some points regarding this way of deploying pulp, specifically I am not sure if all this PyPi process can be run on each EC2 instance following exact same steps since some of them seem to modify data like migrations for example. I am following PyPi install method from Instructions — Pulp Project 3.53.0 documentation, so my questions are:

  • Django SECRET_KEY value can be specific to each server? so I can run install process on each EC2 with a different randomly generated SECRET_KEY?
  • I assume DB_ENCRYPTION_KEY must be the SAME across all EC2 instances since this is used to encrypt/decrypt data from Postgres, is this correct?
  • Django Migrations can be run everytime an EC2 instance is installed? or should I only run them on the first instance I deploy??
  • Django admin password can be overwritten with same value every time I install an EC2:
    pulpcore-manager reset-admin-password --password
  • Collect Static Media for live docs and browsable API command can be also run on each instance as part of install process?
    pulpcore-manager collectstatic --noinput
  • RPM Migrations can also be run each time an EC2 is installed?

In general since I am using my own developed ansible playbook to install pulp front end instances, I want to determine if the steps I describe before are idempotent or I must only run them on the very first instance I launch. I hope my explanation makes sense, please bear with me. Thank you!!

Expected outcome:

Pulpcore version:
“core”: “3.48.0”

Pulp plugins installed and their versions:
“versions”: {
“rpm”: “3.25.1”,
“core”: “3.48.0”,
“file”: “3.48.0”,
“certguard”: “3.48.0”
Operating system - distribution and version:

Other relevant data:

Thank you so much for asking! I’ll try to answer the questions inline:

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Hi @x9c4 , thanks a lot for your reply, sorry but I did not understand what you mentioned about session tokens and the requirement to share SECRET_KEY, to give some more context what I am doing is to setup several EC2 instances that will run API, Worker and content services, I am installing them with ansible and this is the specific step for SECRET_KEY:

- name: Create Secret Key
  shell: |
    /var/lib/pulp/pulp/bin/python - <<END
    import random
    chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)'
    print(''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(50)))
  register: secret_key
  become: yes
  become_user: pulp

- name: Create initial settings.py
    path: /var/lib/pulp/settings.py
    line: "SECRET_KEY=\"{{ secret_key.stdout }}i\""
    create: yes
  become: yes
  become_user: pulp

This is run per server during install procedure, so as you can see SECRET_KEY will be different in all of them, is this correct? or should I modify the playbook to set same SECRET_KEY on all EC2 frontend instances? Thanks in advance!!

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No problem. What I’m trying to say is SECRET_KEY is a Django setting used by some Django facilities. I do not know if any these are important to a typical Pulp installation. But the Django docs speak about a unique value (It would probably just be a random string generated on startup if there was no need to share it across multiple application servers.).