May 16, 2022
Action Items
Priority List
- synclist removal (Andrew + Adrian)
- on schedule to deploy tomorrow
- Collection signing (Bruno)
- waiting on API rerooting
- API rerouting (released pulpcore 3.18) (Andrew)
- open PR enabling this, waiting on QE review
- Container signing (Bruno)
- On the queue to work on after LDAP integration task.
- Transition galaxy_ng to Roles (Brian M/David)
- Are there restrictions on prefixing roles?
- locked roles: yes, user def roles: no
- Are there restrictions on prefixing roles?
- Private cloud storage (Matthias + Andrew)
In the priority Queue
- Logo sync / namespaces
- PoC: Repo Management - waiting on PMs requirements
- community galaxy replacement
- Pulp_ansible
- need to pick an LTS branch for pulp_ansible that is compat w/ pulpcore==3.18
- pulp-ansible 0.13.0 would align well with katello
- need to pick an LTS branch for pulp_ansible that is compat w/ pulpcore==3.18
- Pulp_container
- 2.1.3 is released and compat with django 2.2.28
- 2.12.1 is released - it fixes installation dep conflicts between ansible and container plugins
- Pulpcore
- declaring pulpcore 3.18 as LTS
- downloader improvements SIG underway
- Moving namespaces: Moving Namespaces into Pulp Ansible - HackMD
- Question on community galaxy pulp dup key msg