Pulp_deb 2.15.0 is generally available

pulp_deb version 2.15.0 has been released.
The release is compatible with pulpcore 3.15, and aims to remain compatible with at least pulpcore 3.16 (not yet released) as well.

With the switch to pulpcore 3.15 and Django 3, there are may compatibility changes. Support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 is dropped with this release. Have a look at the change log for all remaining changes.

Check the issue tracker to view known issues or open new ones.

The Python client package contains Python API bindings.
The Ruby client gem contains Ruby API bindings.


Please note that 2.15.0 was mistakenly released without certain compatibility fixes for pulpcore 3.16!
Switch to pulp_deb 2.15.1 ASAP if you are using pulcore 3.16!