Pulp-compose: Failed to initialize NSS library


I use pulp compose way to setup pulp. I build my image based on pulp-minimal image with just added two more packages: social-auth-core social-auth-app-Django by pip install.

When I run docker compose up, I see the following error:

pulp_content-2               | error: Failed to initialize NSS library
pulp_worker-2                | error: Failed to initialize NSS library
signing_key_service-1        | error: Failed to initialize NSS library
pulp_worker-1                | error: Failed to initialize NSS library
pulp_content-1               | error: Failed to initialize NSS library
pulp_api-1                   | error: Failed to initialize NSS library
pulp_api-1                   | error: Failed to initialize NSS library
pulp_api-2                   | error: Failed to initialize NSS library
pulp_api-2                   | error: Failed to initialize NSS library
the version info :
"versions": [
        "component": "core",
        "version": "3.50.2",
        "package": "pulpcore",
        "module": "pulpcore.app",
        "domain_compatible": true
        "component": "ansible",
        "version": "0.21.3",
        "package": "pulp-ansible",
        "module": "pulp_ansible.app",
        "domain_compatible": false
        "component": "container",
        "version": "2.19.2",
        "package": "pulp-container",
        "module": "pulp_container.app",
        "domain_compatible": false
        "component": "deb",
        "version": "3.2.0",
        "package": "pulp_deb",
        "module": "pulp_deb.app",
        "domain_compatible": false
        "component": "maven",
        "version": "0.8.0",
        "package": "pulp-maven",
        "module": "pulp_maven.app",
        "domain_compatible": false
        "component": "ostree",
        "version": "2.3.0",
        "package": "pulp-ostree",
        "module": "pulp_ostree.app",
        "domain_compatible": true
        "component": "python",
        "version": "3.11.0",
        "package": "pulp-python",
        "module": "pulp_python.app",
        "domain_compatible": false
        "component": "rpm",
        "version": "3.25.2",
        "package": "pulp-rpm",
        "module": "pulp_rpm.app",
        "domain_compatible": true
        "component": "certguard",
        "version": "3.50.2",
        "package": "pulpcore",
        "module": "pulp_certguard.app",
        "domain_compatible": true
        "component": "file",
        "version": "3.50.2",
        "package": "pulpcore",
        "module": "pulp_file.app",
        "domain_compatible": true

What should we do with this error messages?


Is this New Centos9 base image is missing dependencies needed for pulp_rpm's createrepo_c dependency · Issue #601 · pulp/pulp-oci-images · GitHub ?

Yes, my image is based based on CentOS stream 9, since pulp base image (tag: latest) is based on CentOS stream 9. So according to the issue, it seems not a fatal error for pulp service?

It looks harmless, yes. If the message is annoying enough, you can install the nss package yourself and it’ll clear up.

Yes, I install nss on my pulp-minimal images, the error is gone.

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