Looking for Yum repo config docs

Hi, installed latest Pulpcore 3.54.x from here https://github.com/pulp/pulp-oci-images/
It is local deployment with multiple containers using docker compose.

We would like to configure this pulp 3.x for syncing OS yum repositories from RHEL (cdn.redat.con) , CentOS/Alma Linux, epel and other third part yum repository like postgresql, elastic and custom RPM repository to store few rpm packages from different vendors , so our Linux systems can use this Pulp3.x for OS patching and RPM package repository . I’m coming from legacy pulp 2.x where we used to create repo with “pulp-admin rpm repo create --repo-id ….” and “pulp-admin rpm repo sync run --repo-id ……”. Pulp3.x changed a lot than Pulp 2.x and not able to able find right docs to create and sync RHEL cdn repos and other third party public yum repositories on Pulp 3.x. Kindly help with this “how to configure Pulp3.x to sync those yum repos, so our internal Linux servers can pull from this during OS patching and whenever required . Sorry, I could not find right docs on pulpproject.org.

Hey Ramana,

The general workflow is here : Create, Sync and Publish a Repository - Pulp Project

For a RHEL-specific example, maybe my RHEL7 Sync Test will help. You’ll need your RHEL subscription-cert and redhat-uep.pem files, of course.

Hope this helps!

Hi Grant, Thanks a lot for your quick reply. That is the workflow looking, oh! it is there on Pulp project. We have valid RHEL subscription cert and redhat-uep.pem files. We will need to sync RHEL 8x repos.
I will follow those documents and try to configure that workflow. As new to Pulp 3.x If any blocks or doubts will reach here again. Really appreciate your help!

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