Logging which user started a task


Is is recorded anywhere which user started a task? The idea being that I can see that user ‘bob’ uploaded a RPM

I’ve had a look around but not found anything yet.

Not exactly a record of who started a task, but creating a task assigns the core.task_owner role to a user for that task object. So if you query {task_href}/list_roles/ you will see all the roles assigned to different users for that task object. The user under the core.task_owner role should in theory be the creator of the task. Roles are mutable and can be assigned and removed, so it is possible the owner might not always be the creator if someone is manually adjusting roles.

If you want another, possibly easier, method to determine the creator you can file a feature request here: https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/issues/new/choose/

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I believe we have this info in the database, so a feature request being filed for this would be feasible.

Found an old issue asking for this feature: https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/issues/1917 Maybe we should discuss prio-listing it?

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