2024-09-18 1000-1030 GMT-5
Attendees: ggainey, sjha, mdellweg, iballou, markusb, quba42
Previous AIs:
Getting “Structured APT” ready for the initial merge: https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/11058
PR is “feature complete”, but still being tweaked
Currently working on the suggestions by jeremylenz
ATIX has performed extensive testing of the “feature present but disabled” case (ensures the refactor bits don’t break anything):
- Export/Import was tested
- Internal robotello tests were run
- Large syncs general usage
So long as the “disabled” case does not break anything we can merge, even it the feature itself is not perfect yet. Call it “tech preview”, "optional or just don’t tell people about it at first.
When does Katello next branch?
- 2 months-ish from “now”
- next pulp-upgrade will be one-month-ish from now
- prob want this merged pre-pulp-upgrade
- Finish the suggestions by jeremylenz
- Have Bernhard or Markus perform a final code review and wait for their ack.
- Final chance for core Katello review/request for changes
- Merge.
- Keep improving the feature in small follow up PRs.
net: merge state above with “disabled”; improve “enabled” functionality with new (smaller) PRs
[markusb] default ContentView with limited Repo visibility or ContentView providing library-instance repos.
- There is now a thread for this: Transparent Content View for Limiting Repository-Access in Katello - RFCs - TheForeman
- This had been possible by limiting subscribed products on an ActivationKey-level (SCA removed that possibility).
Scenario: a registerd host should
- must have access to latest synced content
- must only see a subset of Repos
- net: lots of discussion on associated foreman thread, incl a proposal - is katello happy for ATX to work on implementing this proposal?
- AI: sjha would like to have a meetup w/ ATIX/katello/subscription-DE to flatten some issues
[quba42] Is the following (satellite) issue also planned for upstream? https://issues.redhat.com/browse/SAT-25398
- Related question: Is red hat bugzilla being replaced?
- Yes - Satellite is on Jira now
- not currently high on the backlog to fix
- needs an upstream-redmine for community-to-work-on
- Related question: Is red hat bugzilla being replaced?
[markusb] Should creation of IncrementalCV with not-available content (e.g. rpm not in any repository) throw an error-message?
- ATIX hit internally
- katello: prob useful to have an error msg
[quba42] I think this can be closed: Feature #32514: Improve deb repo form regarding simple vs. structured publishing - Katello - Foreman
- old ask for “Structured Apt”
[mdellweg] Inquiry RE foreman (?) PRs from ATIX not getting appropriate/timely attention?
- possibly not an issue - PTO Happens
[quba42] Is Katello planning to somehow apply indices separately from the pulpcore migration? Publish and Promote slow with 3.11/4.13 - #11 by gvde - Support - TheForeman
- Answer: This was solved via backport patch in packaging: https://github.com/theforeman/pulpcore-packaging/pull/1144#event-14065751962
Action Items:
- ggainey to add minutes to Katello/Pulp-Community Integration meeting minutes
- sjha to schedule a meeting with jeremylenz, sjha, and ATIX (quba42, sbernhard) regarding “transparent CVs” Feature #32514: Improve deb repo form regarding simple vs. structured publishing - Katello - Foreman