I am building a pulp3 environment, and having trouble doing repo administration
In pulp2 I had the following
oracle8_base repo (mirrored from oracle yum) - updated each day, and published
oracle8_base_“dated” repo - a copy of the latest modules in the oracle8_base repo on a date, and then published.
I’m trying to build this in pulp3, and not having a lot of success.
I’m building a “rpm remote” repository, then a “rpm repository” for a date, which is a sync against the “rpm remote” and then doing a “rpm publication” and ,“rpm distribution” of the “rpm repository”
I sync the “rpm repository"date”" against the “rpm remote”, but this is using a large amount of space in the tmp filesystem (to the extent that the sync fails when there is 100Gb of spare disk space)
I have:
[root@node ~]# pip list | grep pulp
pulp-cli 0.21.4
pulp-glue 0.21.4
pulp-rpm 3.24.0
pulpcore 3.41.0
[root@node ~]#
Oracle Linux Server release 9.3
NAME=“Oracle Linux Server”
is this the correct process?