Experimental link checking workflow

There has been quite some complains about broken links (and there is really a lot of them), so I started experimenting with a link checker to help overcome this side-effect of the docs migration.

I’ve tried a link-checker called “lychee” and that’s the workflow that worked for me so far.


# 1) Install lychee with either
#   a) binary
cargo install lychee
#   b) container
podman pull docker.io/lycheeverse/lychee

# 2) cd to yours plugin dir
cd pulp_rpm

# 3) Check for legacy domain and fix them
grep -Re 'docs.pulpproject' staging_docs

# 4) Refresh the build case you make changes
pulp-docs build

# 5) Check with lychee with either
#   a) binary
lychee site/pulpcore --base site/ --offline
#   b) container
podman run -v "$(pwd):/home" -w /home lychee site/pulpcore --base site/ --offline


Link syntax: If you are running a local server, you only have to copy the path of the url and plug that into the template:

# path without root slash
[My Link](site:{{path}})

# example
[Pulpcore API](site:pulpcore/restapi/)

You can also check the markdown cheatsheet.


If you ran into any trouble with workflow, please report back here. I’ve not experimented extensively with this yet.

Also, I’ll eventually incorporate a link checker into pulp-docs, but I need to play with some of them anyway before doing that.