CI Task force

We started a new CI task force. Expect meeting minutes to be posted here.

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29. May

We started collecting some goals our CI should meet.


  • [mdellweg] I want to be able to run the PR (Nightly) CI locally.
    • With only a couple of commands.
    • For reproducibility.
  • [decko] The CI should be as near as possible to production and development.
  • [decko] I want to run “every” ci workflow locally (maybe with a mocked pypi).
  • [mdellweg] I want that the PR-CI runs every step of the release process until just before “twine upload”.
  • [lubos] What about idempotence of the release workflow.
  • [mdellweg] I want to have scenarios not primarily tied to storage technologies.
  • [decko] We should have a GH release as output in the release workflow and then the publish workflow just publish artifacts.
    • If anything on publish goes wrong, someone can just get the release on GH, manually generate the packages and publish it.
  • [gerrod] Potentially tie the CI creation to the oci-env tool, maybe as a new command
  • [pedro] Skip regular CI for doc-only changes
  • [mdellweg] Releasing a plugin should be a matter of minutes.
  • [lubos] Make the image building faster when starting the CI (removing some redundant stuff)
    • removing dnf installation steps
    • container tailored for the CI only