I’ve been working on a new developer environment for pulp that makes use of the pulp OCI images and takes inspiration from the galaxy_ng developer environment. Check it out here: https://github.com/newswangerd/oci_env
The new environment uses docker compose along with the pulp-ci-centos container image to launch a pulp container with a user specified set of plugins installed from source.
It features:
- Fast build times (~60 seconds to launch pulpcore + pulp_ansible from source)
- Scripts to run integration tests in the container
- Composable configurations that allow plugins to ship the settings that they need to fully run out of the box
- Automatic server restarts when code changes
- A pluggable configuration system that allows for external services (database, UIs, object stores) to be added to the environment.
Here’s a short demo for anyone interested: https://youtu.be/aqoJmDIWAyM